5 Ways to Beat the Summer Heat for Dogs

Summer is in full bloom and most of the world is facing some extreme heat. If you’re accustomed to a cool climate like we are at Mendota Pet, it’s not easy to adjust to these extreme temps.

That's why we asked our friends down south (and out west) what works best for them. 

Encourage Water Consumption

When the summer heat hits us, the best thing we can do is stay hydrated. In the West, this is especially important as some may not even realize they’re sweating due to the slightest breeze whisking it away.

Since dogs can’t sweat, it’s important to help them cool down by keeping water available everywhere you go (our collapsible dog bowl can help)!

Collapsible Bowl from Mendota

Cooling Pads

Cooling pads are ideal for dogs no matter your climate! 

The best cooling pads work by absorbing your dog’s body heat to reduce their core temperature. They require no electricity, and are pressure-activated, so they start cooling your dog the moment he lies down on them.

These cooling pads automatically recharge after a few minutes of non-use, so there’s no need to freeze them! Choose a cooling pad that is nontoxic (and of course Made in the USA)


Most dogs love to swim, so why not give them opportunity? Providing access to a pool or lake is an ideal way to spend the day with your dog.

Choose a wading pool if they are one of the many breeds that just don’t like water (or have a hard time staying afloat), or pick a Personal Flotation Device (PFD).

Safety devices for pets, like life jackets and water collars, are inexpensive and a good way to help your pets keep their head above water.

Also, make sure you keep your dog's equipment (especially their collar) dry between uses. Our BioThane® Synthetic Collars makes it easy as they are waterproof and antimicrobial - so they don’t encourage mold growth. Available in multiple styles and colors. 

BioThane Collar from Mendota Pet

Optimize Air Flow

Try to avoid crating pets during the summer. Just like you, they need plenty of air flow to stay cool.

Speaking of air flow, make sure your ceiling fan blades are rotating counter-clockwise in summer. This helps circulate the cold air around you to keep you cool. Reverse the fans to clockwise during winter.

Ceiling Fan Flow in Summer - Source: Hermitage Lighting Gallery

Protect Skin and Coat

Unfortunately, issues with the skin can arise during summer. Hot Spots are a huge problem for double-coated dogs. Hot Spots can occur as a result of insect bites, high humidity, grass allergies, and more.

Stop these hot spots from becoming full-blown infections with DERMagic Hot Spot Salve. These products are 100% natural and we guarantee they work! 

DERMagic Hot Spot Salve for Hot Spots in Animals

There are different types of heat in the USA. Not all of these will work for everyone. What do you do to keep your pets cool in summer?